The surface of the earth is covered with plants and animals, and we cover many of them in this category. Starting with plants, we explore agriculture and horticulture. Agriculture is the science of producing plants and livestock from the natural resources of the earth. This usually happens on a large scale. Horticulture usually means small-scale gardening and cultivating fruits, vegetables, flowers, and ornamental plants.
Both grew from early man’s need to feed and clothe themselves, and agriculture and the domestication of wild animals made it possible for civilizations to be created. Today, modern agriculture feeds most of the people on the planet and is made easier by developments like irrigation, genetic engineering, and the combine harvester. Diseases that typically infect plants are blight, clubroot, gall, and viroid. People who made important contributions to the advancement of agriculture as a science include Jethro Tull, who invented a mechanical drill for sowing seeds, and Eli Whitney, who invented the cotton gin.
Animals, both domesticated and wild, can be found almost anywhere on the planet. Domesticated animals include cattle, horses, sheep, chickens, dogs, llamas, and pigs. The rest of the creatures on the planet are considered wild animals, and this includes mammals, insects, fish, and reptiles. Many varieties of animals can be found in all corners of the globe, deep in the sea, and soaring high in the sky. The study of all animals is called zoology and it includes the classification and naming systems as well as studying fossil records.
The category of plants and animals contains information about many living things on earth.
Plants and animals form the core of what comes to mind when we think about “environment.” These two resource concerns are at the heart of much of the conservation work done by NRCS to support healthy ecosystems.
Plants are the fabric which covers the soil. They hold the soil in place to reduce erosion and improve water quality. Plants provide our food, materials for shelter, fuel to warm us and replenish the air we breathe. Plants provide food for animals and habitat for wildlife.
Plant Materials Program
PLANTS Database
Animals both large and small are a critical component to our environment. Domesticated animals, such as livestock, provide us food, fiber and leather. Wild animals, including birds, fish, insects and pollinators, are important to support the web of activity in a functioning ecosystem.
Healthy populations of plants and animals are critical for life. Invasive plants and pests can ruin crop fields and forests and drastically alter the natural processes of ecosystems.
NRCS develops technical information and guidance to assist conservationists and landowners with enhancing plant and animal populations and addressing invasive plant and pest concerns.
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